Our Aim
We bring a little joy to people’s lives – coming from our product Dolce Vita (Life of Luxury) ice cream and also providing a place of work that treats employees, customers and suppliers with respect and integrity.
Our Story
David Simpson and Neil Urmson are two great mates from Primary school days now living nearby each other in Modderfontein, Johannesburg. We decided it was time to run a business together after many years of toying with the idea and waiting for the opportunity to arrive. David left the corporate world and runs the business while Neil provides strategic input and support. The contribution from our wives Debbie and Linda is paramount to growing this as an intended family business with opportunities for our kids in years to come.
Dolce Vita was founded in 2004 in Honeydew by real Italians. They left their mark of quality and taste sensations on the Dolce Vita Brand. David and Neil bought the company in November 2018 as the Italians retired to enjoy the fruits of their investments. Dolce Vita remains a fully locally based manufacturer.
The Dolce Vita range grew from a creamy ice cream range into one including Sugar-Free, Non-Dairy and Sorbet. Dolce Vita enjoys a place in the retail chain stores as well as in hotels, clubs, restaurants and hospitality distributors. We also manufacture under contract for third-party customers who do not have production facilities.